Mortgage Broker in Portsmouth

Get honest, friendly mortgage advice and a great deal on your home loan in this dynamic port city steeped in maritime heritage.

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Author: Phil Scott - Director
Updated on August 6th, 2024
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Mortgage Brokers in the UK | The Mortgage Centres business cards on top of letter headed paper and a calculator to the right hand side

Mortgage Advisor in Portsmouth

If you’re looking for informed, transparent mortgage advice in Portsmouth, then you’ll appreciate dealing with brokers who are not tied to specific providers or influenced by lenders’ incentives. The city’s varied property market means our breadth of expertise can play to your favour when you’re looking to purchase your next dream home.

Portsmouth has held a key position in the nation’s naval strategy for centuries, and wears its history on its sleeve. While host to one of the busiest harbours in the UK, the city is also known for its numerous attractions dedicated to its maritime heritage, including Nelson’s HMS Victory, the National Museum of the Royal Navy and The D-Day Story. The depth of the maritime industries in the area – coupled with Portsmouth’s history, beautiful coastal parks and excellent travel connections by road, rail and sea – make it an interesting place to put down roots.

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As unlimited brokers with access to thousands of mortgage products across the entire UK market, the key to successfully finding and helping you to apply for the right mortgage to meet your needs lies in our personalised service. We take time to understand your aims and plans for your mortgage, and use assessment criteria that mirror the lenders’ own in order to make sure we recommend exactly the right products to suit your circumstances. And you’ll often find we are able to use our industry relationships to get more favourable deals, often on an exclusive basis.


Mortgage Broker signing paperwork

Getting a Mortgage in Portsmouth

Whether you’re an established home-owner looking to move or remortgage, a first-time buyer perhaps using Shared Ownership to get onto the property ladder, or a Buy to Let landlord adding to your portfolio, we will be able to find the most appropriate mortgage to meet your requirements and provide the best value, both in the short and long term. Whatever your financial situation, there will be a lender and a mortgage out there, even if you have suffered setbacks in the past due to bad credit or being self-employed.

How Can We Help?

If you’re looking for a mortgage advisor in Portsmouth or it’s surrounding areas, The Mortgage Centres have been helping people with their mortgages for over 20 years. We take great pride in offering a well-informed and local service through our extensive network of regional branches.

Support from Our Leading Industry Experts

The Portsmouth Mortgage Centre team is run by one of our most experienced advisors…

Phil Scott | Director at The Mortgage Centres

Phil Scott

Graham Hodgson | Director at The Mortgage Centres

Graham Hodgson

Rana Miah | Director at The Mortgage Centres

Rana Miah

Emily Scott | HR Manager at The Mortgage Centres

Emily Scott

HR Manager
Nicholas Johnson

Nicholas Johnson

Mortgage Advisor
Hannah Barham

Hannah Barham

Mortgage Advisor
Thomos Hobin

Thomas Hobin

Mortgage Advisor
Matthew Mann

Matthew Mann

Mortgage Advisor
Calvin Liles

Calvin Liles

Mortgage Advisor
Paul Dodimead

Paul Dodimead

Mortgage Advisor
Bonnie Thurlow

Bonnie Thurlow

Mortgage Advisor
Derrick MacDonald

Derrick MacDonald

Mortgage Advisor
Paul Cannell

Paul Cannell

Mortgage Advisor
Lauryn Foster

Lauryn Foster

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Phil Scott


About the author

Phil has worked in the financial services industry since 1992, having started with a large insurance company. He went self employed in 1996 as an Independent Financial Adviser before setting up his first company, Needham Market Home Financial in 1999.

After four years, he decided to concentrate solely on mortgages and related insurances, and The Mortgage Centres was born. Since then, Phil has been influential in the opening of several new offices as the business continues to grow.

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