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Author: Phil Scott - Director
Updated on August 28th, 2024

Bad Credit Mortgages

It’s possible to get a mortgage, whatever the situation with your credit score. At The Mortgage Centres, we have advisors who specialise in helping you get a mortgage with bad credit.

Get in touch for a free initial, no-obligation discussion about your mortgage situation.

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If you have bad credit, getting a mortgage can be difficult. But we can help.

  • We have access to the whole market, so we can find the right lender for you.
  • We can make enquiries on your behalf and get you the best deal possible.
  • We can set you on the path to owning your home.
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Bad Credit Mortgages | Image of a bed with a red brick back wall, metal frame, white bed sheets and a journal with a coffee on top

What is a bad credit mortgage?

Bad credit mortgages are mortgages that are available to people with a poor credit history. They are also known as ‘adverse’ or ‘poor’ credit mortgages.

They usually come with a higher interest rate and a larger deposit requirement. This is because lenders will see you as high risk. However, there are now mainstream lenders that offer bad credit mortgages at standard interest rates.

The best way to find out if you qualify for a bad credit mortgage is to speak to a mortgage advisor.

Understanding bad credit

Bad credit can affect your ability to get a mortgage. It’s important to understand what bad credit is and how it can impact your finances. There are things you can do to improve your credit score and take control of your finances.

If you have bad credit, there are still mortgage options available to you. Our mortgage advisors will be able to assess your individual circumstances and recommend the best mortgage for you.

Lenders view people with bad credit as a higher risk. Therefore, they may not approve your application or may charge you a higher interest rate.

Some events that you can still obtain a mortgage with are:

There are three main credit reference agencies in the UK, ExperianTransUnion and Equifax. These will provide you with your credit score online or through the post.

  • Lenders will contact one or all of them to see your information when doing a credit check.
  • The lender will then make their own assessment on your credit rating.
  • Different lenders will interpret data in different ways. Keep in mind that lenders do not use the scores provided by all three agencies.

This table provides an indication of the health of your credit score based on the agency:

Rating Experian TransUnion Equifax
Very Poor 0 – 560 1 0 – 279
Poor 561 – 720 2 280 – 379
Fair 721 – 880 3 380 – 419
Good 881 – 960 4 420 – 465
Excellent 961 – 999 5 466 – 700

It is important to note that these are just guidelines, and your credit score may vary depending on the agency.

How to get a mortgage with bad credit

Getting a mortgage with a poor credit score can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. To enhance your credit score and improve your likelihood of mortgage approval, consider the following actions:

  • Get registered on the Electoral Roll. Being registered provides a valuable way to verify your address and identity. It is also very helpful in fraud scoring. All very important factors lenders consider during their application process.
  • Close any credit accounts you don’t use. This shows responsibility to lenders, as they want to know you can manage your finances before lending to you.
  • Get copies of your credit report from each of the three main credit agencies. This will help you identify any credit issues. From here you now have a starting point to work on to improve your credit. This can also help you find errors and have them corrected if necessary.
  • Create a realistic budget for your household and spend within your means. There’s lots of information online about budgeting. You can also find plenty of free budget planners available too.
  • Utilise credit builder credit cards. If you have little or no credit history these can be very beneficial to you. Even though it may seem odd to take out more credit to improve your credit score. Only utilise one if you can make your payments. If you are declined upon application do not try to re-apply as this may damage your credit even further.

If you’re struggling to improve your credit score, consider speaking with a specialist adverse credit mortgage broker. Our team of specialist brokers have a wealth of knowledge about the adverse mortgage market. We’re happy to give you friendly, honest advice about your circumstances.

The more money you can put down as a deposit, the higher your chances of getting accepted are. These tables give you an idea of the deposit amount that would be required based on the property value. The loan-to-value (LTV) is the percentage of mortgage required based on the property’s value.

Deposit sizes:

Property Value 5% Deposit 10% Deposit 15% Deposit 25% Deposit
£150,000 £7500 £15,000 £22,500 £37,500
£200,000 £10,000 £20,000 £30,000 £50,000
£250,000 £12,500 £25,000 £37,500 £62,500

Loan sizes:

Property Value 95% LTV 90% LTV 85% LTV 75% LTV
£150,000 £142,500 £135,000 £127,000 £112,500
£200,000 £190,000 £180,000 £170,000 £150,000
£250,000 £237,500 £225,000 £212,500 £187,500

How much will a bad credit mortgage cost?

There are a couple of things to consider when looking at the costs of a bad credit mortgage:

  • Interest rates will be higher than on the high street.
  • The amount you can borrow may be less.

This is because specialist lenders take on more risk when offering mortgages to poor credit individuals. They need to charge higher interest rates to cover their costs and make a profit. They may also require a larger down payment or other forms of security.

If you have bad credit, it’s important to shop around and compare different mortgage deals before you apply. You should also speak to a mortgage broker who can help you find the best deal for your individual circumstances.

  • The number and type of adverse credit events on your credit report.
  • When the adverse credit events occurred.
  • Whether you have settled historical debts.
  • The loan-to-value (LTV) of the mortgage.
  • Your presence on the electoral register.
  • Your level of debt compared to your income.
  • Your employment history and residential stability.

Lenders will consider all these factors when deciding whether to lend to you and how much interest to charge.

Can I remortgage with Bad Credit?

Yes, it is possible to remortgage with bad credit. However, the lender will consider your individual circumstances and the severity of your bad credit. You may need to make a larger down payment or accept a higher interest rate.

Interest rates for remortgaging will be the same for those of a standard bad credit mortgage.

Things like the type of financial issue and the amount of money involved can influence the rate you’re offered, as the more of a risk you’re seen as, the less favourable deal you’re likely to be offered. So, an event that occurred 4 years ago will carry less weight than something that occurred 6 months ago.

You can improve your chances of remortgaging with bad credit by:

  • Making all your payments on time.
  • Paying down your debt.
  • Closing unused credit cards.
  • Requesting a copy of your credit report and disputing any errors.

First-time buyer mortgages with bad credit

Getting a mortgage as a first-time buyer with bad credit is not impossible, but it can be difficult.

Most mainstream lenders may not approve these applications, but there are many other lenders who will be willing to help you.

Using a mortgage broker can also improve your chances of success. They can ensure your application is shown in the best possible light before it’s submitted.

What if I have little to no credit history?

It is still possible to obtain a mortgage with no real borrowing history, but it’s not always straightforward. Lenders will use their own methods to assess an applicant’s suitability.

Some will have a process to determine your credit score, while others use a more human approach; carrying out manual checks and understanding your situation.

Getting a self-employed mortgage with bad credit

Obtaining a self-employed mortgage with a clean credit history can be difficult enough. So, what if you have a less-than-perfect credit history? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s still possible to do so. Although, this doesn’t mean it will be a straightforward process.

Like any bad credit mortgage, a specialist lender is likely to bring you the highest chance of success. To get a bad credit self-employed mortgage, you may need to supply a higher deposit or accept higher rates.

Identifying your bad credit issues and looking to improve your credit record is a great starting point. This is because it’s essential to show a lender that you can manage your money.

Using a mortgage broker to help prepare an application and find the right lender can be crucial too. Some brokers, like us, have access to exclusive deals that aren’t open to the public, meaning you immediately open up the available options.

Furthermore, showing previous years’ accounts can also improve your chances. Ideally you want to show three years of accounts, however showing more won’t hurt. You may also be required to show evidence of any forthcoming and ongoing work.

Buy-to-Let mortgages with bad credit

Historically, Buy-to-Let lenders have shied away from individuals with bad credit, requiring applicants to have a clean record. However, in recent times this has changed due to the increase in specialist bad credit Buy-to-let mortgage lenders filling a gap in the market.

However, due to the niche operations of these lenders, you will have to work with a mortgage broker to access them. Their products aren’t advertised widely to the general public, making them very hard ,if not impossible, to find on your own.

When applying, it’s very important to prepare all of your budgets, ensuring they are as accurate and realistic as possible. A larger-than-average deposit is normally required, typically a minimum of 25%.

Although, factors like the nature of the credit event, the amount of money involved, and the time that has passed since the credit issue will influence criteria.

So no matter if you’re in a DMP, or if you’ve had a CCJ, IVA or any other credit issue, reach out today. We will pair you with one of our expert advisors who can get you started on your journey.

Can I get a Right to Buy mortgage with bad credit?

Yes, it is possible to do so. Like with any bad credit mortgage, lenders will look at the type of bad credit event, how much money was involved and the time that has passed since.

You may be required to provide a larger deposit or accept a higher interest rate.

Bad credit mortgage lenders

The financial crisis made it harder for people with bad credit to get a mortgage. Specialist mortgage lenders for bad credit have stepped in to fill this gap. They have different criteria for accepting borrowers, so it’s important to speak to a specialist mortgage broker.

Mortgage lenders look at your current debt level, repayment history, and any bankruptcy or County Court Judgements. They also consider how many credit applications you have made recently.

They primarily focus on your credit history over the past 3 years. However, they will consider everything on your file. The more recent or severe, the bigger role they will play in the lender’s decision.

We cannot provide a list of the ‘best lenders’ as each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Instead, you will need to focus on who will offer you a mortgage.

However, some specialist bad credit lenders that The Mortgage Centres work with are:

If you have bad credit, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

As mentioned, bad credit mortgage rates are typically higher than those of a standard mortgage. Therefore, you would want to find a cheaper deal as soon as possible. You’ll be pleased to know that it’s possible to move away from bad credit lenders if you improve your credit score.

But you cannot rely on your mortgage payments to improve your score. Keeping up with other payments will be essential too.

Using a mortgage broker for a bad credit mortgage

A specialist mortgage broker’s job is to help you find a lender and a product that will suit your situation. They can also give you advice on how to improve your credit history in advance of your next application.

There are many mortgage lenders in the market, however some do not deal directly with the public. A specialist mortgage broker can help you access their products.

We are an unlimited mortgage broker, which means we have access to some of the most competitive deals available. If you have bad credit and need help getting a mortgage, contact us today.

They will discuss the following with you:

  • Your specific credit issues. For example, do you have a County Court Judgement or did you have to declare bankruptcy?
  • The loan-to-value (LTV) of your mortgage. The lower the LTV, the better the chance of you obtaining a mortgage. Your deposit or equity amount will determine this.
  • Your income and expenditure. Each lender will have their own criteria for income. Some may be more inclined to accept self-employed income, whereas others might not be.
  • The type of property you are looking to buy. Certain properties aren’t seen as suitable for a mortgage. This can include high-rise flats or timber-framed buildings.

Specialist bad credit mortgage brokers will usually charge a flat fee or a percentage of the loan value. Although, some may charge a both. It’s always best to check with the broker before proceeding with anything.

In many cases, using a mortgage broker can save you money, even after you factor in their fees. For example, if you take out a £250,000 mortgage at 3.95% over 25 years, you will pay £393,810 in total.
If you can get a better rate of just 0.1%, you will only pay £389,692 in total. This means you will save £4,118 over the life of the mortgage.

Of course, the actual amount you save will depend on your individual circumstances and the market at the time. However, in general, using a mortgage broker can save you money, even if you have bad credit.

Bad Credit Mortgage FAQs

Do overdrafts make credit scores worse?
Can I apply for a joint mortgage if my partner has bad credit?
Does marrying someone with bad credit give you bad credit?

If you’re careful with your overdraft and use it responsibly when you need to, then it shouldn’t have an impact. However, if you are often on the limit of your overdraft, then that might have an impact on how a lender views your creditworthiness.

If you are making a joint application for a mortgage, then lenders will take both of your credit histories into account. The acceptance of your application depends on a range of factors. This can include the severity of the event, how much time has passed, and the borrowing behaviour since it occurred.

Some lenders will accept people who have a discharged bankruptcy, CCJs or an IVA. These specialists take more into account than the simple facts and figures, understanding that people and circumstances can change.

No, this will not impact your credit records in reference to any loans, credit cards, or mortgages you have taken out yourself. This is because, generally, things are treated individually.

If credit accounts are taken out jointly, your partner’s poor credit history could impact how lenders view you. They may decline an application or accept it with a higher rate of interest.

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Phil Scott


About the author

Phil has worked in the financial services industry since 1992, having started with a large insurance company. He went self employed in 1996 as an Independent Financial Adviser before setting up his first company, Needham Market Home Financial in 1999.

After four years, he decided to concentrate solely on mortgages and related insurances, and The Mortgage Centres was born. Since then, Phil has been influential in the opening of several new offices as the business continues to grow.

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